Contacting KTMT

Contact us

If you want to be relieved of any pain, tightness, stiffness, numbness, tingling, or soreness then you’ve come to the right place! Discover for yourself how you can start to feel improvements to your quality of life and pain levels.


EAST END LOCATION: King's Town Massage Therapy has a stunning view of the River Styx which is part of the Rideau Canal. It is located approximately 5-7 minutes north of 401 Highway on Hughes Road. Just look for the sign to your right that says King’s Town Massage Therapy.

ADDRESS: 3987 Hughes Road. Kingston, Ontario. K7L 4V3

CENTRAL LOCATION: King's Town Massage Therapy with Holistic Services is located at the PeachTree Plaza.

ADDRESS: 1187 Princess Street, Unit 7, PeachTree Plaza. Kingston, Ontario.

Booking Appointments

Appointments run from Monday to Friday with flexible times to fit your schedule. We offer Saturday appointments at least once a month from September to May.

Email us: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Call us: 613-507-KTMT (or 5868)

Book Online:


King's Town Massage Therapy

Kingston, Ontario, Canada

Contact Form

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