May I have your TENSION please! Now that I have your attention, let’s talk more about that tension. At King’s Town Massage Therapy, you will be relieved of your pain and tension in a way that’s customized to your lifestyle and preferences.
Your registered massage therapists Alana Todd, Crystal Mulack and Samantha Thompson will take the time to learn about your pain and also inform you of techniques and approaches toward taking better control over your pain.
King’s Town Massage Therapy has two locations to TREAT you!
The practice of massage therapy is the assessment of the body’s soft tissue and joints and the treatment and prevention of physical dysfunction and pain of the soft tissue and joints by manipulation to develop, maintain, rehabilitate, or augment physical function or relieve pain.
(Massage Therapy Act, 1991)
After your treatments, it is normal to have a slight amount of soreness. However, the relief lasts longer afterwards. Overall, a massage is like a workout at the gym. You breathe while I sweat!
Please feel free to contact KTMT to setup your appointment today using our ONLINE BOOKING SYSTEM: SEE YOU SOON!
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